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Hagler: Mayweather vs Pacquiao will be biggest fight EVER

Hagler: Mayweather Vs Pacquiao Will Be Biggest Fight Ever

By Niall Doran


The great ‘Marvelous’ Marvin Hagler sung some high praises this week ahead of the upcoming Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight on May 2nd. The legendary hall of fame boxer was quoted as saying:

“I mean the fight is worth $200 million dollars. It will be no matter what, the biggest fight in history anyway. Whether Pacquiao loses in the first round, or whether he knocks out Mayweather in the first round, it’s still going to be the biggest fight in history. Both of these guys are going to be set for life.”

Quite the endorsement from such as a legendary warrior. Hagler went on to comment on how he thought the fight might play out and what the event and occasion will mean for not just the fighters, but for the world:

“I think with Mayweather, he’s using his head, using skills, he’s using strategy, and hopefully Pacquiao don’t fall into his tricks so that everything would come out probably in a better way than what we think. I think the event is great for Pacquiao and for the Philippines. I think it will be great for his country and for the world – and for the good of boxing”.

When you consider some of the titanic wars that Marvin Hagler was involved in to say things like this, it certainly bodes well for May’s titanic event – that could very well transcend boxing.

The night is just under two months away now and it seems every day I look up the latest reports online pertaining to it, there are big names in the world of boxing weighing in left, right and center in some shape or form on the contest. Good times indeed for the sport of boxing.

As we’re on the topic of Marvin Hagler, lets take a quick look back to a famous night in 1985 and in particular, that first round he had with Thomas Hearns ?

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Niall Doran

Niall Doran