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Woman Knocked Out During Chaotic Elland Road Boxing Riots

An absolute riot of all riots broke out this weekend at an Elland Road boxing show that took place in the UK. Really horrific scenes and a black eye for boxing.

What can only be described as utter carnage took place at an Elland Road boxing show this weekend in the UK.

One that saw masses of fans involved in a brawl outside the ring.

Elland Road boxing

The event took place at the soccer stadium that hosts Leeds United matches and was meant to be an enjoyable evening of boxing for those in attendance.

What it turned out to be proved to be anything but.

After a bout had finished, it can be seen below that literally hundreds of fans start throwing chairs and engaging in full on brawling.

However things get a lot worse than just that.

At approximately 56 seconds into the following clip, a blonde woman can clearly be seen punched with full force by a man – knocking her to the ground and rendering her unconscious:

Pandemonium ensues in what are some of the most genuinely pathetic scenes at a boxing show in quite some time.

Even at one point you can hear the MC pleading with the crowd to stop – his frantic shouts falling on deaf ears.

The moment above when the woman in the blue dress is knocked out is one of the most cowardly things to happen a boxing show that this writer has ever seen.


It is understood that the authorities in Leeds in the UK are conducting an ongoing investigation into what took place.

Whether or not an Elland Road boxing event will ever happen again after this remains to be seen.

It’s disturbing scenes like this from a small minority of boxing fans above that can give the sport a bad name.

No need for it.

More footage of what took place at this Elland Road boxing show can be seen here on YouTube:

Niall Doran

Niall Doran