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Emran Hussain Is Looking To Impress And Steal The Show

Featherweight Emran Hussain is hopeful he can change the perception of white-collar boxing as he prepares for his bout next month. 

The 25-year-old made his debut in April scoring a classy points win against Ricky Leach at York Hall which led to an impressive highlight reel gaining some momentum across social media. 

Part of the growing Alex Wilkey stable with the likes of Lewis Smith and Richie Gray, the Essex-based boxer is now sparring with some of the best prospect on the small hall scene and beyond. 

But Hussain says he wants to use the recent momentum to help change the reputation of boxing’s taboo.
“At the moment, white-collar or semi pro boxing as it’s sometimes referred to gets a really rough ride and I can totally understand why,” said the prospect. 

“But when people saw the video I had made they couldn’t believe that I was from that background

“Admittedly, I remained unbeaten over a number of years when I fought under those promotions, but it can produce slick boxers like me. 

“I boxed at amateur level numerous times, but it was the same old story about not getting decision so I went down another route. 

“It doesn’t all have to be swinging and two blokes that have no clue about boxing. I retained my title for years and fought some of the toughest opponents in my career then. 

“People can come and see me in December to see what I am about, I always look to impress and steal the show.”
Emran fights on Mo Prior’s British Warriors card next moth, anyone interested in purchasing tickets to the event can find them on Twitter as @BritishWarriors.
James Murphy

James Murphy