A possible Mayweather vs Pacquiao 2 fight looks to be planned for the new year at the moment and one trainer who’s trained a fighter to go up against Mayweather in the past is in favor of it.
Most within boxing have expressed little interest in a rematch between the two stars but that said, most will still watch it when it happens.
It’s one of those.
Robert Guerrero’s father Ruben has always spoken of respect for Mayweather since he easily out pointed his son a few years ago.
That hasn’t changed, nor has what he thinks about Manny Pacquiao.
Speaking to Villainfy Media, Guerrero said:
“You never know they are both good fighters. Anything can happen, they are both getting older now. We’re going to see who has the best body, whoever takes care of themselves more, that’s the advantage right there.”
He added:
“He looked the same (Mayweather against McGregor compared to how he did against his son Guerrero). It’s going to be a great fighters. There both warriors (Pacquiao and Mayweather). They are both (former) world champions, so it’s going to be a good one.”
Time will tell if Mayweather vs Pacquiao 2 really does happen or not.