In boxing sometimes double standards exist.
They need to be addressed from a narrative standpoint.
Yes, there’s lots of snakes in boxing. Sure.
Lots of bluffers trying to get into this business too but really that’s always been the case in any business.
Boxing as an industry just gets tarred with a bad brush.
It has taken more black eyes outside the ring than it ever did inside the ring.
These days I could care less about all that stuff. The naysayers on boxing have always been proved wrong.
We just focus on what I deem the most important big stories and grass roots American features for US sports fans.
Where in reality I now have people in every single State across the country slowly assembled over nearly a decade.

Teddy Atlas Gives Brutally Honest Reaction To Canelo Beating Smith
UK, God love the harmless old Brits and Europeans in fairness.
That said, they are not relevant to me anymore and could care less. Too small an audience and not applicable to what we do moving forward.
Irish Americans though and all Americans for that matter, for sure.
My audience, you guys, are vastly majority American and once again thank you for your continued support this year. We got through it somehow and survived again.
Stronger than ever.
One of America’s great fighters of recent memory made a good point lately that got me thinking.
At one time Deontay Wilder made some terrible comments pertaining to body bags and such before a bout.
Ward has made a fair point on current middleweight star Gennady Golovkin doing something similar and going unchecked:
He’s right you know.
Everyone mistakes of course and we’re all sinners. Some choose to repent others don’t.
That’s their business. I’ll stick with pursuing heaven to meet my mother again one day but can only speak for myself.
Golovkin for his part won again this weekend in a terribly promoted event it has to be said.
The marketing and buzz for his and Canelo’s fight this weekend was near none existent on fight week.
Certainly compared to the HBO days.
I don’t mean to be overly critical and I like seeing everyone do well, I really do.
That’s just who I am — but the marketing and promotion was very amateur indeed.
Some of these bloody Brits God bless them just don’t understand the American culture.
In every town and State across the country — way — way more powerful, real influential Irish there than people realize.
Just being one point outside the many, many other micro markets in towns and cities in every State across the country.
The numbers will show as much.
The proof is in the pudding.
Poor. Very poor.
The bottom line is online has grown a lot now and we’ve seen big numbers for even the fewer pieces of content I’ve done this year but boxing as a sport is in trouble again.
It had great momentum back in February before Wilder vs Fury 2.
It needs to get back to consistent quality match making and all the powers that be to work together more.
Otherwise some of these promoters will be out of business.
Certainly big showcase fights will then become a much more regular thing.
Word to the wise to some of these amateurs running the boxing business — get your act together you chumps or else.
Come with good money and a level of respect.
Boxing needs more innovation, professionalism and more consistent match making at present.
Overall a decent strong finish to the year for the wider sports audience in the US thanks to Mike Tyson and Roy Jones.
Boxing needs to do better.
It can and will.
The young stars that have come through this year in the sport have been a breath of fresh air.
Let’s start putting them in against one another earlier than usual.
50/50 fights and no bull.
People see through poor match making easy and the numbers show as much for some promoters.
They know boxing needs to pick up the pace.
And it will too.