Folks, wherever you are, have a great new year as the world rings out a truly dreadful year in 2020.
I know 2021 will certainly promise better. For sure.
On the boxing front there wasn’t a whole lot to talk about in 2020 but more will come next year.
I’m sure of it.
In recent days over the last week behind the scenes I have been, with the help of a great team in America, putting in some painstaking tech work to get this site finally onto a new server.
It no longer should go down all the time and I’ll be free now finally to let a team off the leash with this thing.
2020 was a dark year, very mentally tough for many, but it was great to keep it real on here I have to say.
Too much nonsense in boxing and I sincerely hope for the sake of the people making the big fights, that they make them in 2021.
Boxing needs them badly more than ever.
While we all have a chance to reflect on 2020, no doubt many of us will have had a lot of justifiable anger but remember, things will get better.
This website of mine will be back stronger than ever shortly.
Can’t wait to get started with the new server and competent, no fronting, no dishonesty, tech team.
Finally surrounded by the right people now. Thank God. Such a relief. I will be looking after my health more than ever this time as we take this thing to the next level.
Thank you again for your support this year, every one of you, with some huge reader numbers for my content again.
Boxing will never die. No way.
Fighting will be around until the end of the world.
Even with the limited amount of content I was able to put out. We kept this site going once again.
2021 will be very, very special.
A very content, safe and peaceful new year to you and your loved ones for 2021.
Let’s make it a year to remember for all the right reasons.
God bless you all.