Ah yeah, the old pound for pound boxing lists although mythical in nature and perhaps only equaled in difficulty by thinking about them, are nonetheless enjoyable psychological meanders for fight fans the world over.
When one considers who is the best boxer of all-time inevitably names like Muhammad Ali and Sugar Ray Robinson arise.
Among many others of course.
The most recent modern era in boxing produced some all-time greats and no doubt the current one will, too.
For credibility of opinion you don’t have to go very far from protagonists within the sport’s Hall of Fame ranks.
Oldest heavyweight champion of all-time George Foreman a frequent pundit in the sport these days.
The former seek and destroy merchant turned jovial born again Christian narrowed it down to one man for him:
Robinson was a unique fighting machine in that he had all the technical gifts a fighter could want.
Some might respectfully point out Ali never really threw body shots.
Then again, Ali was in a class of his own for heart and willingness to go to places in body, soul and mind in the ring that no one else would.
Very hard to weigh up the above really.
Mayweather and Leonard would have been an intriguing stylistic matchup pitting cognitive scientific wit, skill and speed to watch in itself too.
Could the Leonard speed and combinations bust through the Mayweather defense?
Would Mayweather have out boxed him?
For highlights of Sugar Ray Robinson this is always worth a look from Reznick YouTube (hat tip):