Riddick Bowe is regarded as one of the great heavyweights of the sport’s history.
As is Mike Tyson.
That is obvious, sure.
But, not many know they both shared something in terms of their motivations for facing the same opponents in their career.
Both ardent fans of the great Muhammad Ali.
When they fought Trevor Berbick who beat Ali senselessly later in his career prior — they were enraged.
When BerBick beat Ali Bowe said to DJ Vlad:
“I hated him (Berbick). I guess I was young at the time. I didn’t knw boxing and what people do. Like Larry Holmes. I hated him for a long time until we got together and he explains certain things to me.”
When told that Holmes cried after he beat Ali, Bowe replied:
“Me too.”
On the beating Berbick gave Ali, Bowe said:
“Because Trever I guess didn’t understand. He was just trying to win the money and win more money of that nature.”
Berbick later died in life after a dispute with his nephew reportedly.
Here is the fight that took place between Berbick and Ali: