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Temporary Fad in Boxing that won’t last the Test of Time

You know, we’ve been going over some of the current trends and numbers in boxing and in particular, YouTuber and celebrity boxing.

While it definitely doesn’t hurt boxing when done on a once in a while basis, and it brings some new fans, realistically, it’s not going to last the test of time.

The proof is in the numbers.

There could be though, a point where one or more of these YouTuber boxers develop into well-rounded professional boxers.

With respect, that would take a few years to happen though.

At that point, they’re just professional boxers then and the novelty of celebrity and temporary fad, buzzword of the month, or whatever, is no longer relevant then.

Boxing’s tried and tested traditions are there for a reason in sports history.

There’s a reason they have lasted the test of time and this temporary hype train won’t.

Celebrity boxing is nothing new and comes and goes in spurts.

This should be the same but one can’t knock any boxers who get in there with these celebrities for a pay day.

Fair play.

With all that being said, respectfully, boxing is about the best fighting the best at the end of the day.


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Niall Doran

Niall Doran

Niall Doran is a highly experienced boxing and combat sports writer and a professional boxing judge. His writing has been featured in numerous leading publications. Notably, you can find his writing and profile on: • Boxrec (Professional Judge Profile): • Boxing News Online: • Boxing Scene: • Huffington Post: • British Boxing News: • • Author posts