One saying, or thereabouts before in boxing, that used to be said was:
“Attack the body and the head will fall.”
The body shot is a science in of itself in boxing.
Some fighters over the years have been excellent proponents of it and set it up sometimes with the jab, footwork, as part of a combination or a feint to the head.
Whether it is a lethal blow for a one punch knock out or to chip away at an opponent, to slow him down as a bout goes on, body punching is vital.
Likewise, for any boxer, strengthening the body is crucial therefore to defend.
Boxing legend Sugar Ray Leonard knew all about this saying:
Fair play. A goal to work towards to for anyone of any fitness level.
Hard work and dedication from Leonard saw him become one of the great champions in boxing history.
Oddly in a way, Muhammad Ali, considered one of the best ever, never really through many body punches.
They are, without doubt though, key to a fighter’s arsenal.
Defending them and having a strong body long-term very important obviously to absorb them.
(Photo credit: Ray Leonard Twitter)