Josh Taylor capitulated himself into boxing super stardom this weekend.
Done so with a genuinely thrilling battle against Jose Ramirez.
Winning on points in what proved to be a brilliant fight between both fighters.
No doubt Ramirez will be back in the future.
Taylor unified an entire division in just 18 professional fights.
Seldom seen nowadays.
He could have a claim to the Hall of Fame for that alone in years to come in fairness.
He’s gone straight into the pound for pound rankings for us.
No doubt he will be making big noise in boxing in the future.
A fight with Teofimo Lopez would be a classic.
Many fighters and pundits have reacted to the win already.
Including the likes of Andre Ward, Shakur Stevenson, Shawn Porter and Teddy Atlas:
An epic fight and win indeed.
A great night for boxing in what should have been talked about more in the lead up amid the chaos in the heavyweight division.