Muhammad Ali wasn’t just a boxer.
Far from it.
An intelligent, charismatic fighter, inside and outside the ring, and a humanitarian in many ways.
Far ahead of his time.
He transcended boxing and sport in his own unique way.
His faith in Islam a catalyst for his behavior.
Still today, the name of Muhammad Ali is reverred worldwide.
One of his great competitiors George Foreman fondly remembered his favorite thing about Ali on social media saying:
“Ali Loved having fun; anything for a laugh. That I’ll never forget.”
Many forget this in life.
Particularly in today’s times, whether it is having a laugh, banter with friends or shooting the breeze, every day laughing and enjoying what’s in the day important.
If you look at modern day trash talk it is very different from the fun and less malice that Ali had with it in his day.
Always in good taste and admirable behavior for the most part.
Rest peace in Muhammad Ali.