The good people of Australia appear to be waking up to the fact boxing as a sport has grown significantly internationally in recent years.
Some big news has come.
Fox Sports Australia will be showing son of boxing legend Nigel Benn, Conor Benn’s fight this summer, as well as female boxing star of Australia Ebanie Bridges and UK star Savanah Marshall too:
That is excellent stuff for boxing. Very unexpected. Kudos to the Aussies.
No doubt Fox Sports in America will take a look at this and the numbers it does too.
Who knows, if they promote it well and it does well, perhaps more Fox promotion and coverage in the US could happen afterwards more and more for boxing. Early days yet to be fair.
The more boxing shown around the world the better. At the end of the day.
On all platforms, by all networks and promoters.
The summer is shaping up to be a tremendous one for boxing right across the board.
(Photo credit: Ebanie Bridges Twitter)