July 4th recently proved to be a big one.
One of the biggest American Independence day celebrations in some time.
God bless America messages flooded the world.
Likable former heavyweight champion George Foreman came in for a small bit of criticism for defending his country’s national day it would appear.
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He stood firm however in his belief.
Dead right too.
He had this to say on how he started before his grill business and boxing career to one fan on Twitter:
Classy as always from Foreman.
He went on to say:
He continued:
Every country has their own history.
Their own traditions.
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Their own ways of doing things.
This helps make them what they are.
A solid footing for building, growing and improving upon.
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Like Foreman said, it takes everyone.
No need to lose the independence of any country.
Nothing wrong with peaceful and respectful patriotism in all sovereign nations.