Motivation is an interesting thing.
Its far-reaching, speculative at best, definitions and perceptions, vary in individual to individual, interchangeable, at any given time or day.
Each day is different, after all, are they not.
Has the world situation at present not taught us all that this last couple of years.
So then, what is your purpose. Ask yourself.
Go on.
That’s right.
That is the question.
By the time you figure that out, you’ll understand, then, at the very end, that God was more real than you thought, or understood, all-along.
Never far. Right there by your side. Every step of the way.
After all, how is there a reality if there is not a conscience or unconscious opposite version of that, scientifically speaking, another universe or side to life to unbelievers, heaven and hell to believers, to counter balance that simple suggestion.
Night follows day and water puts out fire, do they not.
Boxer Luke Campbell in many ways achieved his professional God-given purpose with his boxing talent at the 2012 Olympics.
Culminating in capturing Gold for his country in the London 2012 Olympics.
The epicenter of his particular sporting achievement realized through years of dedication, sacrifice and hard work to hone his craft, on one given evening, to the very top of the world.
As a professional he challenged twice for world titles.
Now, aged just 33, he has decided to hang up the gloves.
Saying on Twitter:
Don’t blame him.
Probably earned a few bob and focusing on new businesses and family now.
All day.
Getting punched in the face not an easy way to make a living, either.
At this particular time he retires with a professional boxing record of 20-4-16 KO.
All the very best in retirement to Campbell.