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Sonny Liston One Of The Most Talented and Revered Quiet Fighters Ever

Sonny Liston was a softly spoken quiet individual.

But, when he needed to be, perhaps one of the very fiercest fighters that ever lived.

He flipped that switch when he needed to and controlled that darkness within him. In preparations and in action.

Granted, a tragic end.

One that was shrouded in never knowing really what happened.

That said, at any rate, he doesn’t get talked about enough. In today’s times, that is.

With the exception of his old foe and friend George Foreman who frequently talks about their spars on social media.

They are on the Foreman social media account — some fascinating chronicles from time to time — for any boxing fan.

Liston went about his work excellently, while quietly, and although lost to Ali, goes down still as one of the great heavyweights of all-time.

His fundamentals and jab very underrated but that steely, similar to Jack Dempsey and to an extent Russian Fedor Emelianenko in mixed martial arts, emotionless, combat modus operandi, when in action, flawless.

Forged only through pain, perhaps unexplainable in words or relatable to most humans, or endurance from what someone, or people like that, would understand from their life time.

If looking for some old boxing footage to enjoy this from Reznick (hat tip) certainly, this here, is enjoyable on Liston:


George Foreman On Where He Ranks Himself All Time

George Foreman On Where He Ranks Himself All Time

Niall Doran

Niall Doran

Niall Doran is a highly experienced boxing and combat sports writer and a professional boxing judge. His writing has been featured in numerous leading publications. Notably, you can find his writing and profile on: • Boxrec (Professional Judge Profile): • Boxing News Online: • Boxing Scene: • Huffington Post: • British Boxing News: • • Author posts