A modern day classic. Fury is punching very hard at this stage of his career indeed. The extra weight seems to suit him.
What a fight. The heavyweight version of Ward vs Gatti, Barrera vs Morales etc. Boxing went out the window and a street fight broke out at different times.
The heavyweight championship of the world fight tonight between Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder lived up to everything.
Incredible. Home run shots thrown from both guys right from the get go. How they got up from some of the artillery they unleashed on one another was unfathomable at points. Heart, guts and punching power.
It was noticeable Fury used a lot less head movement early on compared to the second fight but looked like he worked on the uppercut a bit. Certainly the short one on the inside with the right hand.
Great start for Wilder. He looked to go to the body a bit more like he said he would beforehand. The right hand looked dangerous too.
Fury responded well however at the end of the round with a crisp one-two.
The big knockdown came in round three.
What a comeback from Wilder to knock him down twice in round four.
The proceeding rounds saw a war of attrition develop and Fury proved once again that boxing is not a body building contest as his stamina proved to be the better as the rounds wore on.
Fury landed a real baseball bat right hand in round 10. Wilder bravely got up. Unbelievable heart by Wilder at the end of the round to show he did in fact save a bit in the gas tank to finish the round strong. He might have also being fighting through what looked like an injury to the hand but not totally clear in live time.
Then it happened.
Fury found an unbelievable right hand in round 11, what a fight! Credit to both God-fearing fighters! What a fight!