Not many people know that the term ‘pound for pound’ in today’s times dates back to Sugar ‘Ray’ Robinson (born Walker Smith Jr.).
While Muhammad Ali is widely considered the greatest boxer for all time for us Robinson will always be number one.
Nicknamed ‘Sugar’ after a woman ringside at one of his fights said he was as sweet as sugar.
The man’s heart was beyond belief and in his prime his speed, power and technical ability was unrivalled.
An amateur career that saw him dispatch his opponents with ease and a professional career the likes of which was never seen again in terms of how often he fought.
And his willingness to always fight any challenger.

Lennox Lewis On Where He Stands All Time In Boxing
His bolo shots and inside uppercuts in the pocket testament to his unflappable self belief knowing he always had enough time to get in and get out with his work.
Bombed the big right hand over the top.
The speed of the left hook at middle distance something kind of different.
Aspiring to be a doctor growing up, he accomplished that goal in more ways than one.
A real professor in the sweet science of boxing.
A remarkable man who without doubt, for us, was the greatest fighter that ever lived (rest in peace):