We try not to get into the whole politics flavor of the month — hocus pocus — waste of time, nonsense, irrelevant, valuelessness phraseology — but — certainly with Patrick’s Day coming up soon — as per tradition — we always take a look back at the great Irish fighters of all time.
It’s always a big occasion on the sports media calendar for sure.
It appears this month is Irish American history month, too.
You can’t let that go by and not mention Jack Dempsey of course.
Was he the best Irish fighter ever?
Many boxing fans always debate that but he’s surely up there:
On an Irish note, some recent photos from the trip to Ireland so far, North West of Ireland on a sunny day must be like the Santa Monica of the North West of Ireland or something much love 🙂
Great sunshine yesterday in Ireland. No rain. No wind. Calmest day have ever seen. Surreal experience. Must have been 5.45 hour hike approx. Tremendous day. Awesome day: