Watch: Caleb Plant and Ryan Garcia Brawl After Gervonta Davis Fight With Martin

Caleb Plant and Ryan Garcia Brawl

A wild brawl between two of boxing’s names in professional boxing went down in Las Vegas after the Gervonta Davis title fight.

Davis won inside the distance over Frank Martin on the night. Potentially setting up a rematch with Ryan Garcia at some point.

Garcia himself was scrapping outside the ring in the arena as seen here — after one former world champion Caleb Plant nailed him with a beer to spark it:

Crazy scenes there. Highly unexpected. A wild night, alas.

A Night of Unexpected Drama

The boxing world was abuzz after Gervonta “Tank” Davis’s impressive knockout victory over Frank Martin, but the post-fight excitement took an unexpected turn when a brawl erupted between fellow fighters Ryan Garcia and Caleb Plant.

The incident, caught on camera above and quickly circulating on social media, added another layer of intrigue to an already eventful night.

Heated Exchange and Beer Toss

As the crowd was still buzzing from Davis’s win, tensions flared between Garcia and Plant, who have a history of animosity.

The verbal exchange quickly escalated into a physical altercation, with both fighters throwing punches. The situation took a bizarre turn when Plant, seemingly out of nowhere, doused Garcia with a beer.

Connecting well with it per the above.

Social Media Frenzy

The incident immediately sparked a social media frenzy, with fans and pundits alike weighing in on the altercation.

The video footage of the brawl quickly went viral, generating a wide range of reactions, from amusement to outrage.

Many speculated on the possible motives behind the altercation, while others simply reveled in the unexpected drama.

Potential Ramifications

While the incident may have provided some temporary entertainment for fans, it could have serious consequences for both fighters.

The Nevada State Athletic Commission, which oversees boxing in the state, is likely to investigate the incident and could potentially issue fines or suspensions.

The brawl was certainly an unwelcome sight for the sport.

The Aftermath

In the aftermath of the incident, both Garcia and Plant took to social media to offer their perspectives on the brawl.

Garcia, who was wearing a shirt that read “Rematch Me (Expletive)!” on the back, accused Plant of being jealous of his success.

Plant, meanwhile, claimed that Garcia had instigated the altercation and that he was simply defending himself.


The brawl between Garcia and Plant served as a reminder that boxing is a sport filled with passion and intensity, both inside and outside the ring.

While the incident may have been unexpected, it provided a glimpse into the complex relationships and rivalries that exist within the sport.

These things sometimes happen in the wild world of professional boxing.

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