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Ryan Garcia Says Vote For Trump In 2024 Elections

Ryan Garcia Says Vote For Trump In 2024 Elections

Boxing star Ryan Garcia is contending with a lot at the moment but still has time on social media to give his take on the upcoming elections.

The United States will see a new Presidential terms begin next November.

It will either be Donald Trump or Joseph Biden as the next President.

Garcia said on X:

“Vote for trump.”

Trump clearly came off better by a mile in the two’s debate on CNN this week.

Surely he will easily win the election given the continued decline of Mr. Biden’s current cognitive state.

A transparent, unfortunate decline rapidly happening on a daily basis it would seem to the current President.

As for Garcia, he has stood behind Trump from day one, as do a lot of America boxers — it appears lately.

Garcia is still reeling from a one year ban from boxing despite a lot of evidence his supplements were contaminated and there was less than a billionth of trace amounts in his system.