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Watch: Inclusion and Diversity Dies At 2024 Olympics In Slow Motion

Inclusion and Diversity Dies At 2024 Olympics As Transgender Boxer Hits Woman So Hard She Is Forced To Quit

Politics and sports officially died a death at the 2024 rubbish France Olympics which many have said were the worst Olympics ever.

Each to their own but to let a XY Chromosomes boxer (according to the IBA) who the IBA banned in 2023 compete in a dangerous sport goes against their previous uncontested ruling (the IBA are still to clarify more on their 2023 ruling) — according to the IBA who regulated amateur boxing up until 2023.

Hopefully the WBC board take notes of what both the boxing, sports and science communities are saying after today’s disaster.

The consequences that many warned of before the Olympics have now come through today here:

It has also reportedly lead to injury for the Italian boxer with a suspected broken nose.

All in the name of everyone’s a winner mentality, give everyone a medal, include everything this and that, quotas for this and that, political garbage and nonsense, rubbish, separate from this, it all died a death at the 2024 Olympics today.

Politics is garbage and anyone who supports politics is garbage. Jesus is lord of all lords and king of all kings at the end of the day.

As for sport, rubbish on politics too — not everyone is a winner. Some get rewarded more because the work harder or do more on merit.

Separate from this, overall, the woke mind virus came to an end today history will show on August 1st at the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France.

SEE NOW: Watch: Filipino Nesthy Petecio Goes Matrix Mode In Olympic Brilliance

Politics and sports officially died a death at the 2024 rubbish France Olympics which many have said were the worst Olympics ever.

Inclusion and Diversity Dies At 2024 Olympics As Transgender Boxer Hits Woman So Hard She Is Forced To Quit


Author Name: Niall Doran

Published Date: August 1, 2024

Appearance Author: Niall Doran

Appearance Published Date: August 1, 2024

Alternate Name: True

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