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How Much Heavier Berlanga Was Than Canelo On Fight Night Was Outrageous

How Much Heavier Berlanga Was Than Canelo On Fight Night Was Outrageous

Edgar Berlanga on fight night weighed in massively more than Canelo as both fight night weights are now revealed.

Canelo put on a masterclass, a boxing clinic of the highest calibre in there in what was tremendous boxing.

He did so despite giving away age, Berlanga being undefeated, Berlanga towering over him and this in weight:

Spanish to English google translation as:

“I was told that Edgar Berlanga entered the ring tonight at 193 pounds, that is, 25.4 pounds above the 167.6 he weighed on Friday. The Puerto Rican won by losing”

That is incredible.

Berlanga weighed over two weight divisions fully more than Canelo on fight night.

Yet Canelo still dropped him and out boxed him throughout the contest.

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