Find out the Artur Beterbiev vs Bivol time of fight below in different countries ahead of the biggest fight in boxing.
It really is a fight for the ages.
One that all boxing fans worldwide are eagerly anticipating — here the excellent folks at Boxing Kingdom on X (hat tip) have the Artur Beterbiev vs Bivol time in the main countries:
Those times are not too bad.
Here is the updated Beterbiev vs Bivol time for the fight in all major countries in tonight’s boxing:
- UK 11pm
- Saudi Arabia 1am
- NYC 6pm
- LA 3pm
- Sydney 9am
- Perth 6am
- NZ 11am
- Nigeria 11pm
- India 3.30am
- Japan 7am
- Korea 7am
- China 6am
- Thailand 5am
- Bali 6am
- Italy 12am
- Spain 12am
- South Africa 12am
- Germany 12am
- Moscow 1am
- Congo 11pm
- Egypt 1am
- Dubai 2am
- Kuwait 1am
- Uzbekistan 3am
- Malaysia 6am
- Vietnam 5am
- Mexico 4pm
- Venezuela 6pm
- Brazil 7pm
The fact that happens is because the fight is happening in Saudi Arabia.
The time difference works out brilliantly, this, in the UK and US with the fight at very reasonable times for fight fans this Saturday.
Roll on.