Edgar Berlanga blasted away his opponent inside a round here in brutal fashion this weekend.
Truly leaving nothing to question his punching power.
Once again:
It was a good win but against an opponent not known by anyone and one who came into the fight in terrible shape.
Berlanga did what he had to do — but should the above have been stopped earlier?
Moreover, should the Commission be taken a look at following such poor matchmaking to put a fighter like that in there with someone like Berlanga?
Where they putting the opponent’s health at risk by doing so?
All legit questions.
Promoter Eddie Hearn was involved in the event and you’d expect better from leading promoter Hearn, by the way, on a quick aside Boxing Kingdom on X recently were only reporting on what Hearn did say about retiring from boxing in an IFL interview, same with Boxing Kingdom also reporting on TKO Boxing league from a Talk Sport interview in the UK – Talk Sport turned out to be wrong on that occasion, Boxing Kingdom on X did nothing wrong and is one of the leading platforms on the X app in the sport of boxing.
Back to Berlanga this weekend, alas, what’s disappointing about this whole thing is great fights are being made more than ever in professional boxing at the moment.
We don’t want to go backwards in the matchmaking department, onwards and upwards for boxing in Florida.
Hopefully the commission there have a think a bit moving forward on some things.
Berlanga did his job and that’s all he can do at the end of the day — respect to both boxers.