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Comparing Golovkin vs Canelo and Mayweather vs McGregor

Golovkin vs Canelo and Mayweather vs McGregor might be two of the most polar opposites things in the sport of boxing.

The long ushered super fight that fans dared Golden Boy promoter, Oscar De Le Hoya, to make, finally got the go ahead when it was officially announced in May of this year. Canelo Alvarez versus Gennady Golovkin is set for the 26th of September at the T-Mobile Arena, Las Vegas. Yee haw shouted ghosts of super fights gone by, one super fight in the mail, signed and sealed. Boxing fans rejoiced, only to have their hymn interrupted by heresy. Shortly after, another long spoken of affair, one largely rejected in the boxing community, Floyd Mayweather versus Conor McGregor, was also announced, and has since echoed louder through TMZ manufactured speakers. Both fights offer something to the public, one, crude entertainment at best, the other, a fight for pound for pound supremacy.

Nostalgic fans have yearned for boxing to feature more prominently in the sports section ever since the printing press decided to wean itself from the pugilistic trade, albeit a number of Mayweathers fights interrupted protocol for a short spell in recent years. The announcement of Canelo versus Golovkin threatened to break this mould and become part of the average sports fans psyche for a number of weeks leading up to the September showdown. Boxing aficionados have long been selling both fighters gifts, and it seemed obvious to expect that both fighters were going to be covered more in the mainstream media due to they being considered the biggest rising stars in the sport, bar one mans coming out of retirement.

Cue Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather. The announcement of his fight with Irish MMA star, Conor ‘The Notorious’ McGregor, has seen an unheralded press tour and coverage eclipsing Money’s biggest fight versus Manny Pacquiao in May of 2015 and in the process has squashed the September showdowns transcendental appeal. A legal hijacking, the Mexican vs. Khazakhstani duel has taken a back seat to the talk of May-Mac.

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This has left the hardcore boxing fan irritated. The reason being that it is deafening when stated with facts that May-Mac is just not a competitive fight. Would you expect the worlds best badminton player to beat the worlds best tennis player in a game of tennis? No, you wouldn’t. So there it is then, as fast as a Mayweather right hand, all the analogies leave nothing to decipher when it comes to the question of can McGregor, a man who has never fought a professional boxing bout before, actually achieve the unthinkable and dethrone the most gifted boxer of his generation, though this leaves some members of the boxing community far from upset. This is of course looking to be the most financially lucrative showdown of all time, record ******* if you were to ask Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather’s manager, who has notably claimed ‘This sh** is big’. Both athletes, their teams, television executives, press members(plenty who are guilty of promoting this circus to come to town) are all set to advance their bank balances, however big or small. Money talks, and sometimes it talks behind your back while your not looking, for none of the pack could honestly conceive a competitive fight to pursue.

To the people who usually don’t take note of the sport, they have been persuaded into thinking that the fight is going to be as exciting as the next new episode of Game of Thrones as easily as a person who is suffering from seasonal effective disorder is influenced by darkness in a cave. Yes ladies and gentlemen, winters coming, but this won’t be a fight of fire and ice because McGregor isn’t fighting a physical battle, he’s fighting a metaphysical one that not even Marty McFly of Back to the Future fame could find time for to exist for McGregor to accumulate the boxing skills necessary to beat Mayweather. There’s no shame in losing, talking yourself in to the biggest money fight of all time without having a chance in Kansas is a splendid enough achievement in itself. Well done Conor.

The biggest shame about the spectacle of May-Mac isn’t the fact that Mayweather has chosen McGregor as his opponent to reach the elusive 50-0 fight record, it’s the fact they are throwing sand on a potential fight of the year candidate which could provide new fans for the sport. Boxing’s reputation is still standing trial since the uneventful Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquaio clash, and the mismatch that will ensue will turn the Canelo-Golovkin appeal to many potential fans to dust. Who will want to pay their hard earned money a second time to watch a promised battle when they’ve just witnessed a fight that’s memory will be known for being as uneven as the leaning tower of Pisa? Multitudes will now never know who the Mexican man with startling ginger hair who could knock the wind out of any mans sails with a body shot is, they will never know who the Eastern European man who could pass off as a gentle poet rather than a prizefighter with unforgiving power is. They will never know.

Its ever more poignant due to that fans on the fringes of the sport were just starting to jump on the Canelo-Golovkin locomotive until they were distracted like moths to a bonfire.

Would it have hurt the May-Mac promotion if the contest had been held in December? No, maybe quite the opposite. A promising fight which is vowed by the boxing Gods between the Middleweight kingpins of Canelo and Golovkin may have even gotten the regular Joe your uncle sports fan more pumped up, and Joe might have even convinced your grandmother to buy the fight. Regardless, the tainting of the Canelo-Golovkin promotion by choosing to put on the Mayweather-McGregor fight three weeks beforehand was avoidable, only some twitter account holders couldn’t prolong their artificial foreplay and delay their egos from becoming erect. This is going to be big of course.

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When Uncle Joey comes out of his amnestic state after August 26th and remembers how a Mayweather Jr. has robbed him in a similar fashion before by virtue of his supernatural defensive skills, sub-par opponent and brash attitude, make sure to pick up your Canelo-Golovkin hymn sheet and start singing again, start banging that piano, for the fight we’ve all been waiting for is on the horizon, and we might even let Joey watch it too.

Darragh Ronayne

Darragh Ronayne