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Khan Reveals How Fake Friends Disappeared After Canelo Loss

Amir Khan competes in his second comeback fight in boxing this weekend following a crushing knockout defeat to Canelo Alvarez a few years back.

A break from the sport followed that brave move up to middleweight, as well as some tough times in Khan’s personal life and surgeries to old injuries.

In true fighter fashion however, he’s comeback with a bang this year – disposing of Phil Lo Greco in quick fashion in his first fight back.

Vargas this weekend represents a step up in Birmingham but a more mature, level-headed Khan appears to have emerged from the Canelo wreckage from a few years ago.

Speaking to London Real, Khan admitted there were a number of frauds and low lifes around him before the defeat:

“I lost a lot of friends. Friends who were always around me when the times were good. Friends and a lot of people around me, like close ones. They probably thought, he’s probably done now. Lets walk away. I seen them all disappear. Blatantly as well. To have a house full of people and then to have an empty room afterwards and to only have a few people coming in around you, shows you just who the real people are.”

Khan fights this weekend live on Sky Sports in the UK and should he win a mega fight with Kell Brook is being targeted for this December.

Niall Doran

Niall Doran

Niall Doran is a highly experienced boxing and combat sports writer and a professional boxing judge. His writing has been featured in numerous leading publications. Notably, you can find his writing and profile on: • Boxrec (Professional Judge Profile): • Boxing News Online: • Boxing Scene: • Huffington Post: • British Boxing News: • • Author posts