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Former Mike Tyson Boxing Trainer Reveals Why He Pulled A Gun On Him

It has been many, many decades since former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson and his one time trainer Teddy Atlas worked professionally together but the latter still seems to be intent on holding a grudge against the former.

The pair worked together in Tyson’s early days before Tyson mentor Cus D’Amato had Atlas removed from Tyson’s camp and essentially fired him.

Atlas has forever maintained and alleged that his parting with Tyson was caused by an incident a teenage Tyson had with a member of his family.


As the story goes Atlas pulled a gun on Tyson one day as revenge but shot the bullet into the air as opposed to in Tyson’s head.

Tyson for his part appeared to bury the hatchet a number of years ago but Atlas on his side recently opened up on why he almost pulled the trigger on a young Tyson all those years ago:

(Hat tip London Real YouTube)

Atlas these days is a controversial pundit in the sport who also hosts a highly entertaining and popular podcast.

As regards his grudge with Tyson, the bitterness appears to be on Atlas’ side even after all this time with the trainer apparently unable to move on.

Letting Tyson still to this day live in his head rent free.

Ultimately, Tyson never really mentions Atlas’ name in the media anymore but the same cannot be said the other way around.

The pair appeared to shake hands a few years ago and bury the hatchet but Atlas keeps bringing up Tyson in negative lights every now and then.

It would be interesting to see if Tyson has anything to say about his old trainer or, realistically, if he even cares.

One suspects the latter to be the case.

Niall Doran

Niall Doran

Niall Doran is a highly experienced boxing and combat sports writer and a professional boxing judge. His writing has been featured in numerous leading publications. Notably, you can find his writing and profile on: • Boxrec (Professional Judge Profile): • Boxing News Online: • Boxing Scene: • Huffington Post: • British Boxing News: • • Author posts