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Editorial Guidelines

Here at Boxing News and Views our core values centre around the following:

  • Balance
  • Accuracy
  • Fact checking
  • Straight to the point analysis
  • Putting the fighter first


Over the years we have been credentialed at many media events all over the world.

Started in 2012 initially as Doran’s Boxing Blog ( was then created at first in 2015.

So, we go back a long way in the sport.


Time and time again over the years fight fans trust our expert analysis.

Particularly our pound for pound rankings.

This trust has been hard won over the years and we always take feedback from readers’ into account.

Editorial Guidelines Boxing News And Views


No one gets it right all the time but we strive to.

When we get it wrong, which is very rarely, we amend articles and update news articles.

We also update old articles from time to time to make them better for our readers.

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Morally Upright, Ethical and Righteous Justice

The planet is not fair (look at all the conflict in poor nations and so on) and fairness does not exist for anyone in reality — when it comes to boxing and in particular sometimes scorecards and judges’ — things go wrong.

We look to provide balance and swift, no-nonsense resolution to bad scorecards with our chop-shop, iron-rod smashing analysis.

While at the same time always adhering to the traditional rules of boxing.

Principles of Honor

Our team of writers and main writers over the years are lead by our principles of:

  • Calling fights how we see them
  • Not beating around the bush and being candid
  • Boxing’s traditions and old school fashions honored
  • Respect shown to the sport’s rich history
  • Fact checking, independent research and objective non-bias analysis

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Author Name: Niall Doran

Published Date: February 28, 2017

Appearance Author: Niall Doran

Appearance Published Date: February 28, 2017

Alternate Name: True

Editor's Rating: